Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay on SWOT Analysis of Holland and Barrett - 1894 Words

CONTENTS Page(s) 1. Introduction 1 2. Company Background 1 3. Swot Analysis 1–2 4. Strengths 3-4 5. Weaknesses 5-6 6. Opportunities 7 7. Threats 8. Recommendation/ Conclusion APA Referencing 8-9 10 10 - 12 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this report is to identify the factors found in the internal and external environments that could affect Holland and Barrett, a franchise brought to Singapore by the Jay Gee Melwani Group. 2.0 Company Background Holland Barrett is a leading European brand, selling vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements (Holland and Barrett, 2013). The Melwani Group is a family run business, which represents and markets leading brands like Aigner, Aldo,†¦show more content†¦As a result, by way of association with the Melwani group and also locating only in shopping malls, Holland Barrett has also been embedded with the impression that the health supplements it carries, are of a high quality. Page 3 of 12 Socially Responsible Holland and Barrett’s products come in recycled plastic bottles which are biodegradable. This will attract and encourage consumers to purchase from their outlets knowing that they themselves are doing a part in saving mother earth. Page 4 of 12 5.0 Weaknesses The purpose of identifying the company’s internal weaknesses is to allow the company to improve on or if possible, remove it. This is the stage where management have to rectify the identified weaknesses. Over-reliance on Foreign Labour Based on anecdotal evidence, almost all the sales associates employed at the Holland Barrett, are foreign workers. As far as one can tell, most of these workers are from the People’s Republic of China or the Philippines. While such a HR policy may be borne out of necessity in Singapore’s tight labour market, especially in the retail industry, it has implications on the quality of service rendered. From personal experience, staff from PRC were unable to efficiently articulate the information with regards to products in English. In fact, when the staff reverted to their mother tongue, they were then able to provide more indepth information about their products. Location of the Outlets Unlike itsShow MoreRelatedHistorical Trends and Development of the breakfast cereal market12998 Words   |  52 PagesBox is to be the healthy breakfast cereal of choice. The mission is therefore, to provide Britain with the finest healthy cereal range, by satisfying the needs of the on the go consumer, through innovation and creativity. 4. Market Analysis A market analysis was compiled to find out if there is a demand for OTB’s product and also who within the market, the organisation are catering for. Market size: In 2010, the hot cereals sector recorded its highest annual value growth in at least fourRead MoreTesco Segmentation Targeting Positioning3313 Words   |  14 Pages reach to 45% of market share. The expected net profit margin from 5% increase in the market share is  £60.5 million. Macro-Environmental Analysis To be aware of any change in macro-environment which will affect the strategies or objectives of Tesco Wellness in the future, Pestle analysis outcomes should be taken into account. Important outcomes of this analysis are; outperformance of convience stores, the growth in online market, need for customer service orientation and trend of healthy and sustainableRead MoreThe Various Elements of Marketing3192 Words   |  13 Pagesresearch is valuable for Boots to compare the prices with its competitors and need to offer the most reasonable price for their customers. The prices should be less than the competitors. The key competitors for Boots are Superdrug, supermarkets and Holland Barrett. Boots strengthen their collaboration with the pharmaceutical companies and suppliers to distribute their products with minimum cost so can offer their customers with competitive price. Place: According to Boots international that the productsRead MoreStrategic Human Resource Management View.Pdf Uploaded Successfully133347 Words   |  534 Pagesconsideration of factors relevant to strategy-based human resource investment decisions. Factors to be discussed include the organization’s managerial values, risk and return trade-offs, the economic rationale for investments in training, the investment analysis approach of utility theory, and outsourcing as an alternative to investments in human resources. Following the discussion of these factors, specific investments in strategy-related training and development will be considered. This discussion will

Monday, December 16, 2019

Beowulf Questions Free Essays

Question 1 What is the name of the castle where the first few sections of the poem take place? Â   Â   Heorot Camelot Wulfing Hrothgar Question 2 Who is the king at the beginning of the poem? Unferth Hrothgar Heorot Beowulf Question 3 Grendel is a descendant of what Biblical figure? Samson Cain Lucifer Noah Question 4 Where do the people make offerings to try to get aid from Grendel’s attacks? Muslim mosques Pagan shrines Catholic cathedrals Jewish temples Question 5 Beowulf arrives to help the Danes On foot On horseback On the back of a dragon By ship Question 6 Which character is jealous of Beowulf? Hygelac Wealhthow Unferth Hrothgar Question 7 During the feast, Beowulf describes what kind of contest in which he competed against Breca? Swimming Running Jousting Storytelling Question 8 How long is Beowulf king of Geatland before the dragon wake? 50 years 10 years 25 years 5 years Question 9 What wakes the dragon? Grendel’s mother wakes the dragon to help her fight Beowulf. An intruder handles and removes a gem-studded goblet from the dragon’s lair. Beowulf confronts the sleeping dragon in his lair. We will write a custom essay sample on Beowulf Questions or any similar topic only for you Order Now The dragon’s eggs begin to hatch. Question 10 Where does the dragon’s treasure come from? It is the cache of a highborn race of people who have all died. It is Beowulf’s inheritance from King Hygelac. It belonged to the dragon’s father. It belongs to Hrothgar and the Danes. Question 11 What is the dragon’s primary weapon when he attacks the homesteads? His sharp talons The fire that he breathes A sword that belonged to the ancient gods Unferth’s sword Hrunting Question 12 What does the dragon destroy that upsets Beowulf? Beowulf’s home Beowulf’s armor The castle Heorot The tree of life Question 13 Who volunteers to fight the dragon? Unferth Hygelac Hrothgar Beowulf Question 14 What weapon finally kills the dragon? A dagger A cannon Bare hands A torch Question 15 What regret does Beowulf express as he is dying? He was unable to kill the dragon. He never married. He is leaving the Geats penniless. He never had a son. How to cite Beowulf Questions, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Financial Misselling Concerns and Causes

Question: How and why does financial mis-selling occur? Critically discuss the question making reference to different perspectives and theories. Outline and describe two real world cases of mis-selling [as provided on the module blackboard site or from your own research] and indicate how and why financial mis-selling has developed in these cases. Answer: Introduction The concept of Misselling is very important in todays financial sector. Misrepresenting the service or product to complete the sales is called Misselling. It is considered illegal in many countries. Misselling is used by various financial firms for many years. It is the sale of the financial product or investment by unsuitable, false information or misleading advice. Infulence of misspelling is strong on the sales. Deceptive practices and corporate culture is associated with financial misselling. Financial Misselling may be ignorant, aggressive or ineffectual sales tactics (Inderst and Ottaviani, 2009). It is a failure to advise appropriately to customers and are strategies which are used to sell the products to the customers which they do not require. In this report, we have tried to explain the various perspective of financial misspelling. Two real life cases of misselling and how financial misspelling developed in these two cases are described in this report. Misselling Implications and Concerns Misselling is an unsuitable advice given to the customer in which the risk are not properly explained to them which results in buying a product that is not right for them. Like, for example, a customer wanted to buy a computer, and he told the sales person that he want the computer to watch the DVDs. The sales person recommended a computer model to him, and he took that computer home and later found that the model does not have the DVD drive. It does not mean that the computer is wrong, but the problem is that it is not as per requirement which means that the model was mis-sold by the salesperson to the customer. Financial misselling may be of two types: Material suitability and Material misrepresentation. Material Misrepresentation means giving incomplete or misleading information to the customer about the product or service and makes it appear like something which is not true whereas suitability misselling means selling unsuitable service or product to the customers (Arthur, 2006). The salesperson who advises the investor to buy the financial product should recommend the product which suits them, and he should properly explain what are the risk involved in it, what the product cant do and can do (Georgosouli, 2011). If the salesperson fails to do so, then the customer may be allowed to claim compensation for the same. Financial services may be sold to the customers in a manner which is clear, fair and not misleading. It should treat the customers fairly. Few key points about financial misspelling which should be kept in mind are: Customer can make a complaint against financial misselling even if they do not lose money (Carlin, 2009). If the requirement of the product does not suit them and it is a risky investment then also they can make the complaint against the financial misselling. But a complaint can only be made if they were not informed about the risk involved in the investment. The circumstances about which the customer is neither aware nor they desire d than the customer is at financial disadvantaged. The minimum standard and commitments that the organization is bound to provide to the consumers are called the corporate codes. The corporate code typically includes the following: A commitment to the employees and the company towards general ethical standards, have values such as trust, integrity, honesty, working towards the interest of the consumers and the stakeholders, complying the regulatory requirements and the laws, fair competition, respecting the environment and the social responsibility. . There exist distinct views about misselling: Misselling is considered as a moral risk. It arises from regulatory judgment and misguided paternalism (Carlin and Manso, 2010). Causes of Financial Misselling There exist various causes for misselling activities: Customers are not made aware of the risk involved with a particular product and the problems associated with it which lead to inappropriate and expensive services. Customers often fail to identify the quality of the product they have purchased. HR practices that are followed in the organization like sales persons are employed without their integrity check. The sales persons recruited belongs to their family or friends. The practices of higher commission for higher sales are encouraged. Encouraging the customers to repurchase the product they do not require (Ericson and Doyle, 2006). The companies are aware of the fact that confused and miss informed customer end up making poor purchase decision which leads the company to earn high profits. Conflicts of interest may also lead to misselling. An individual may desire and pursue his interest above the interest of others. Organizational structure and the actions arising due to such str ucture can also lead to the conflict of interest (Wierzbicka, 2016). A financial advisor or suppliers have more knowledge about the financial services which can lead the financial advisor to mislead the consumers. The sales persons are more exposed to the ethical practices because they work in unsupervised settings; they are responsible primarily to generate revenue which can sometimes be very stressful (Gray, 2004). Short-term objectives are the basis for their evaluation, and they are paid by commission. Lack of transparency leads to misselling. These all reasons lead the salesperson to work unethically. It involves resource misallocation throughout the society. The economy can work efficiently only if the resources are allocated to services people require. Inappropriate sales have led to the financial crisis in the USA in the year 2007-2010. By purchasing inappropriate services, the customer tends to pay more and will not be able to support themselves and their family in retireme nt. This financial distress causes mental illness and can lead to job loss and marital breakdown. If the firm sells inappropriate products to the customers than it can lose the trust of the customers which can hamper the reputation of the firm. Product managers use complex pricing and marketing strategies to make more profit and to baffle the investors (Plosser, 2008).The levels of fines and punishments have increased substantially in the recent years. It has reached to the level of 138.59 billion pounds for the year 2012-2014 in the USA. Whereas in the UK it was 247.20 billion pounds between the period of 2002-2015 (Huberman And Jiang, 2006). Steps taken to avoid misselling The investment advisors must follow the law, codes of conduct and legislation of consumers protections. If he does not follow the rules as framed by the law than he may have to face the penalty for the same (Ferran, 2012). To avoid misspelling the financial advisor must act with due care, skills and diligence which are to the best interest of the market and the clients. They should assess the clients financial situation and investment objectives. The advisors should know their client and should assess the appropriateness of the product for the customers. Should make the client aware of the risks attached to a particular product (Hill And Kozup, 2007). Should develop a reasonable and prompt system to handle the complaints of the clients. Properly document the appropriateness and suitability of the product for the client, ensure properly that the staff is aware of the codes and the rules of the business and provide proper training to the staff.By providing better information and Libert arian paternalism, misselling can be avoided. The advisors need to act in the favor and the interest of the investors and should be trustworthy. The investors should develop the ability of decision making. The public agency or government must develop regulation to keep a watch on the activities which affects the public. To control market failures, regulations needs to be undertaken. There are many market failures that exist like excessive profits, anticompetitive behavior, scarcity, monopolies, etc. The two theories towards the approaches to regulation are public interest and private interest. The theory of public interest helps to avoid the conflicts of interest and helps in preventing the risk taking (Leyshon and Thrift, 2007). The theory of private interest means that private welfare and individual improvement plays an important role in the regulation process. The key concern in the process of regulation is Distributional Justice and paternalism. Due to various misspelling scanda ls which took place in the UK and around the world Steps have been taken to improve and enhance the financial literacy of the consumers. The increase in Customer empowerment and Responsibilization is the primary reason for the change to happen. Having the skills, knowledge, and confidence to take financial decisions responsibly is called financial literacy. It is an ability to evaluate and understand the information and take decisions after having knowledge of the financial consequences. The three elements that define financial capabilities are skills, understanding, and knowledge, Attitude and confidence. The people who are financially capable can take good financial decisions (Stango and Zinman, 2009). They can manage and understand their debts and credits. They can measure the returns and risks which are involved in the investment and savings options. They have wider social, ethical, political dimensions for their finances. Recent Cases Royal Sun Alliance Life and Pensions Ltd and Royal Sun Alliance Linked Insurances Ltd Royal Sun Alliance Life Pensions Ltd and Royal Sun Alliance Linked Insurances Ltd is a part of Royal Sun Alliance Group which consist of a substantial part of United Kingdom Life operation. RSA has been penalized by FSA for breaching the rules and regulations as framed by PIA Rules, SIB principles, and LAUTRO Rules while selling its Home Plan mortgage endowment policies. During July 1998 to June 1999, it was found that RSAs advisors had failed miserably to provide suitable recommendations to its customers of mortgage endowment. In certain cases, it was found that its monitoring was insufficient and was not able to exercise due care to provide suitable recommendations. They have related the policy of mortgage endowment as a tool for repayment of the mortgage. The documents for finding the risk of the investor were not proper of the RSA. RSA has failed to monitor its processes adequately. As the nature and size of RSA were big, therefore many customers were exposed towards the poss ibility of risk and loss. Advisors are required and obliged to recommend and advice only those policies to the customers which best suit their requirement after identifying the attitude of the customers towards risks involved in the policy of mortgage endowment. It is important that the customer is aware of the risk involved in the policy, and if they are not prepared to accept the risk, then the product is not suitable for them. The advisors have failed to provide their best advice towards RSAs home plan policies. As RSA is responsible for its advisors and the failure of the advisors to recommend the best policy that suits the customers requirement, it is the failure of RSA as well. The procedures followed by the advisors for making recommendations were lacking in RSA. The documentations to find out the fact that is customers attitude towards risk were inadequate. RSAs Bag note does not provide proper guidance about the procedure of fact findings. The training provided to the advis ors was not sufficient and was given insufficient details to identify the customers for whom the policy will be unsuitable. The risk category followed by RSA was not proper as it does not enable the checkers to identify the risk adverse customers from the documents alone. RSA failed to monitor the employees, investment staff and the appointed representatives by the procedure established by the PIA Rules. Timely actions were not taken on the misselling made towards the sale of short- term contracts. FFQC failed to check the short-term contract sales. Some samples were checked by the enforcement which recommended that some sales were made for less period than the recommended period, and no evidence exist that the customer wants the policy for less than the recommended period. With the help of the documentation alone, the risk checkers could not find out the risk adverse customers. The high penalty was imposed by the regulatory authority so that the contraventions are not committed to further by the firm. While determining the financial penalty, FSA has taken into consideration the seriousness of the contravention and the misconduct. In this particular case, the internal procedures of RSA have serious flaws and the procedure followed by RSA to determine the attitude of the customer was not proper. For determining the penalty FSA needs to consider all the relevant facts of the case like the seriousness of the misconduct, the loss caused to the customers due to misselling. Due to this misconduct, a financial penalty of 9, 50,000 pound was imposed on RSA. The penalty was required to be paid in full by RSA. The penalty was required to be paid on or before 8th April 2003. If the penalty was not paid to FSA on time than FSA can recover the amount as an amount outstanding due to FSA. Pacific Continental Securities (UK) Ltd The second case is of Pacific Continental Securities (UK) Ltd. PCS was incorporated in February 2001. It was a stockbroking firm. It provides specialized advice to retail customers. It deals in the trading of AIM (Alternative Investment Market). For generating more customers PCS used the strategy of financial promotions and mail shots. It provided free research reports. Once consent has been received from the customer than a research report was sent to the customers and they were telephoned to open a trading account. The customers were mainly contacted through telephone and the senior advisors advice the customers about the shares they should purchase. The company has received a decision notice on 23rd December 2008 from FSA under section 205 of the FSMA. FSA has issued a public censure as against the company. The FSA has issued a public censure on the company for the breaches conducted by the firm on the principle of business which is in connection with arranging and advising on the sales of high- risk securities to the customers between the periods of April 2005 to June 2007. PCS has failed to perform its business with integrity which is considered as a breach of the principle 1; it has failed to take reasonable care to control and organize its business effectively and responsibly taking into account the adequate system of risk management which is considered as a breach of principle 3. It has failed to give due regards towards the interest of its consumers and to treat them fairly which is the breach of principle 6. And it failed to deal in a cooperative and open way with the FSA which is the breach of principle 13. The breaches mentioned above relates to the failures of the PCS when arranging and advising to the customers towards the purchase of securities with high risk. During the period mentioned above the expected standards of PCS fell below the level of the regulatory system. PCS has recklessly and deliberately operated its business to misled its consum ers, and it permitted its representative or advisors to engage themselves in inappropriate practices of selling despite being aware of its failings. It had failed to comply adequate monitoring system. It has not treated its customers fairly and conducted trading which is more than the requirement of the customers trading limits. It was not co-operating with FSA during the investigation process and had failed to cooperate and open with the FSA. The failings of PSA were serious. PSA knowingly used the unacceptable sales methods and practices. It provided inappropriate, misleading and incomplete information to its customers which lead to a risk to the customers. Customers were encouraged to purchase the securities about which they were uncertain and hesitated. In spite of the customers telling the advisor that they do not sufficient amount to invest in PCS, the advisors make multiple calls to the customers. There were many issues in the report provided to the BOD of PCS which includes misleading advice about the prices and trend of the securities, lack of arithmetical ability, calling the customers in unsuitable situations, Lack of knowledge about gearing and ratios and unstructured presentations. The issues which are mentioned above were repeated in many of the compliance reports also. This lead to a penalty of 20,00,000 pound on PSA which is considered a very important reason which leads to its liquidation. Conclusion The pressure on selling the products makes advisors less interested in bothering about the risk that customers can have because of misspelling. In todays climate, it is very likely that misselling claims will continue to rise. The firm who are providing investment advice should review their risk management and internal procedure. Changing this mindset is a major challenge and earning commission should not be the only motto. Because of these instances, there have been calls in the UK to ban the products by selling on commission. Tight control must be imposed to reduce misspelling in the financial industry. It is the responsibility of the seller to not to provide misleading information to the buyers. However, it can be seen around the world that the brokers and bankers sell the products which are best for them in spite of selling the products which best suits the buyers. The number of cases of misselling is increasing. As the customers and bankers are chasing over higher returns, such cases have increased drastically.Customers should also develop awareness about the products they are purchasing to avoid misselling and purchase the products that best suits their requirement. By developing the financial literacy, corporate codes, regulation and whistle- blowing financial misselling can be avoided. References Arthur, T. (2006). More Pensions Mis-Selling Ahead: By Government Of Course.Economic Affairs, 26(4), pp.72-74. Carlin, B. (2009). Strategic price complexity in retail financial marketsà ¢Ã‹Å"† .Journal of Financial Economics, 91(3), pp.278-287. Carlin, B. and Manso, G. (2010). Obfuscation, Learning, and the Evolution of Investor Sophistication.Rev. Financ. Stud., 24(3), pp.754-785. Ericson, R. and Doyle, A. (2006). The Institutionalization of Deceptive Sales in Life Insurance: Five Sources of Moral Risk.British Journal of Criminology, 46(6), pp.993-1010. Ferran, E. (2012). Regulatory Lessons from the Payment Protection Insurance Mis-selling Scandal in the UK.European Business Organization Law Review, 13(02), pp.247-270. Financial Structure and Monetary Policy Channels. (2002).Journal of Financial Intermediation, 11(4), p.486. Georgosouli, A. (2011). The FSA's Treating Customers Fairly (TCF) Initiative: What is So Good About It and Why It May Not Work.Journal of Law and Society, 38(3), pp.405-427. Gray, J. (2004). The Legislative Basis of Systemic Review and Compensation for the Mis-Selling of Retail Financial Services and Products.Statute Law Review, 25(3), pp.196-208. Hill, R. and Kozup, J. (2007). Consumer Experiences with Predatory Lending Practices.Journal of Consumer Affairs, 41(1), pp.29-46. Huberman, G. and Jiang, W. (2006). Offering versus Choice in 401(k) Plans: Equity Exposure and Number of Funds.The Journal of Finance, 61(2), pp.763-801. Inderst, R. (2010). Misselling (financial) products: The limits for internal compliance.Economics Letters, 106(1), pp.35-37. Inderst, R. and Ottaviani, M. (2009). Misselling through Agents.American Economic Review, 99(3), pp.883-908. Leyshon, A. and Thrift, N. (2007). The Capitalization of Almost Everything: The Future of Finance and Capitalism.Theory, Culture Society, 24(7-8), pp.97-115. Martin, C. and Milas, C. (2013). Financial crises and monetary policy: Evidence from the UK.Journal of Financial Stability, 9(4), pp.654-661. Perry, V. and Motley, C. (2009). Where's the Fine Print?: Advertising and the Mortgage Market Crisis.California Management Review, 52(1), pp.29-44. Plosser, C. (2008). Financial Econometrics, Financial Innovation, and Financial Stability.Journal of Financial Econometrics, 7(1), pp.3-11. Schwartz, J., Luce, M. and Ariely, D. (2011). Are Consumers Too Trusting? The Effects of Relationships with Expert Advisers.Journal of Marketing Research, 48(SPL), pp.S163-S174. Smith, R. (2011). Investigating financial aspects of dogà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ fighting in the UK.Journal of Financial Crime, 18(4), pp.336-346. Stango, V. and Zinman, J. (2009). What Do Consumers Really Pay on Their Checking and Credit Card Accounts? Explicit, Implicit, and Avoidable Costs.American Economic Review, 99(2), pp.424-429. Taek Yi, H., Dubinsky, A. and Un Lim, C. (2012). Determinants of telemarketer misselling in life insurance services.Journal of Services Marketing, 26(6), pp.403-418. Westland, J. (2015). The information content of financial survey response data.Financial Innovation, 1(1). Wierzbicka, E. (2016). Misselling BarierƦ Rozwoju UbezpieczeÅ„ W Polsce.Zeszyty Naukowe WyÃ…Â ¼szej SzkoÅ‚y Humanitas ZarzƦdzanie, 17(2), pp.315-327.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Native Son Essays - Ethics, Native Son, RTT, Blindness,

Native Son Bigger Thomas has been shaped by various forces. Forces that have changed the life completely for Bigger Thomas. In Native Son, Bigger Thomas seems to be composed of a mass of disruptive emotions rather than a rational mind joined by a soul. Bigger strives to find a place for himself, but the blindness he encounters in those around him and the bleak harshness of the Naturalistic society that Wright presents the reader with close him out as effectively as if they had shut a door in his face. In the first book, Wright tells the reader these were the rhythms of his life: indifference and violence; periods of abstract brooding and periods of intense desire; moments of silence and moments of anger -- like water ebbing and flowing from the tug of a far-away, invisible force (p.31). Bigger is controlled by forces that he cannot tangibly understand. Bigger's many acts of violence are, in effect, a quest for a soul. He desires an identity that is his alone. Both the white and the black communities have robbed him of dignity, identity, and individuality. The human side of the city is closed to him, and for the most part Bigger relates more to the faceless mass of the buildings and the mute body of the city than to another human being. His mother's philosophy of suffering to wait for a later reward is equally stagnating -- to Bigger it appears that she is weak and will not fight to live. Her religion is a blindness; but she needs to be blind in order to survive, to fit into a society that would drive a seeing person mad. All of the characters that Bigger says are blind are living in darkness because the light is too painful. Bigger wants to break through that blindness, to discover something of worth in himself, thinking that all one had to do was be bold, do something nobody ever thought of. The whole things came to him in the form of a powerful and simple feeling; there was in everyone a great hunger to believe that made them blind, and if he could see while others were blind, then he could get what he wanted and never be caught at it (p.102). Just as Bigger later hides himself amidst the catacombs of the old buildings, many people hide themselves deep within their minds in order to bear the ordeal of life and the oppression of an uncaring society. But their blindness allows them something that Bigger cannot achieve: it allows these people to meld into the society that is the city, while Bigger must stand at the outside of that community alternately marvelling and hating the compromises of those within. Bigger is alone; he is isolated from every facet of human affection. Max tells the court that Bigger cannot kill because he himself is dead, and a person without empathy or sympathy, without the deep, steadying love of family or faith in anything. When he lashes out in violence it is in a way a search for what hurt him; he hurts others because it is a way of hiding that he is hurt and afraid.). If one considers life to be a period of growth and learning, recognition of self-worth and of the worth of others, then Bigger has not been given the chance to live. Book Three is called Fate, and indeed Bigger seems to be controlled his entire life by ambivalent outside forces who could care less about him. He has been lied to until he believes the lies he tells himself. He has no place in society. His own mother believes in him no more than the billboard reading you can't win that he sees each day outside his apartment. He has grown up in an environment where enormous rats fester in holes and water is a maybe situation, where meals are precarious and money is almost nonexistent, and where he is told time and time again that he has no worth, no dignity, no intelligence or creativity. Is it any wonder that Bigger is violent? It seems more fantastic that all of the people around him are not. When he says, upon reading the paper No!

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Essay on vpa development plan

Essay on vpa development plan Essay on vpa development plan Tasvir Tarh Aryana Printing Plant Establishment Project Summary Iran is one of the most consuming countries in the middle-east with approximately 70 millions of population. Iranian lifestyle, growth in population and living standards, rapid urbanization, diversification of consumer goods has all resulted in higher demand for packaging products. Despite of essential needs in providing high quality packaging for different industries involved in consuming goods manufacturing, unfortunately, there are not some accountable providers of acceptable packaging for the manufacturers in some industrial areas. In the other hand, daily increasing demands of export for Iranian products are forcing the manufacturers to provide their required packaging needs via foreigner supplier in other countries such Turkey, Germany, UAE, etc. The initial idea of Tasvir Tarh Aryana Printing center was based on high demands for providing of different drink bottles labels with some gold and silver effects. With consideration in absence of powerful providers in different field of packaging (paper, board, carton, corrugated board, flexible packaging, labels), the idea for establishment of Tasvir Tarh Aryana printing plant became wider. In the mean time, there are about 1000 companies manufacturing various types of packaging materials in Iran. Most of the companies are medium and small-sized companies, but there are also a few large companies. Actually the majority of companies have not shown good performance in terms of quality and production capacity. There are some main reasons supporting the necessity in establishment of such printing centers in different industrial areas of Iran: Providing with cost-efficient and high quality packaging for different industries Preventing further transferring of currency to abroad Establishing around 100 new career for Iranian professionals Internal sales development of goods which produced inside of the country Development in export of internal-produced goods by supplying high quality packaging Re-export possibility of external-produced goods The main products

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Write a Book in 10 Steps (The Ultimate Guide)

How to Write a Book in 10 Steps (The Ultimate Guide) How to Write a Book: The Ultimate Guide Just about everyone has thought of writing a book at some point - even if you don’t consider yourself a â€Å"writer,† you probably have an inkling of a book somewhere in your head. But whether you’ve only just had your lightbulb moment or you’ve been mulling over a great idea for years, there’s no time like the present to learn how to write a book!Of course, there’s no one-size-fits-all formula here, since every writer has their own unique process. No doubt you’ll discover what works for you over the course of your authorial journey. That being said, there are still certain things you absolutely need to know if you ever want to cross the finish line! We’re excited to share our very best tips, tricks, and other info in this all-inclusive guide to  how to write a book. How to write the book of your dreams in just 10 steps ðŸ“â€" âÅ"  1. Nail down your book ideaNailing down your book idea involves more than just being able to state what it's about - although that is part of it. To really nail down your book idea, you should be able to answer the three important "W" questions:What is it about?Why does it matter?Who will want to read it?Once you’re able to answer these questions, you’ll fill in the blanks of the following sentence:.For example: "CEOs will read my book about workplace culture because it offers insights into the practices of the top ten companies voted 'best places' to work in the USA."Or: â€Å"Female fantasy readers will read my book about the first queen of a patriarchal land because it’s unique and empowering to a new generation of fantasy fans.†Let’s break down the various elements of this equation and show you how to identify them in your own premise.The WhatThe  Ã¢â‚¬Å"what"  is the seed of your book. It’s the beginning of something, and before it can sprout into something more, you have to nail down the essence of what you want to say. This often coincides with the eventual theme of your book - but don’t worry too much about that right now.Instead, just figure out how you would describe your topic to someone in a single sentence. If someone were to ask you right now, â€Å"Oh, what are you writing about?† then the what would be your answer. Whether it’s an adventurous mouse’s tale (tail?) or a vegan cookbook, your â€Å"what† will become the crux of your book.On the off chance that you’re reading this guide and don’t yet have a â€Å"what† - you just know that you want to write a book - consider checking out some writing prompts to inspire you!The WhoIf you’re writing fiction, the â€Å"who† will typically come down to genre - â€Å"romance readers,† â€Å"fantasy readers,† â€Å"sci-fi readers,† etc. You’ll also consider ag e, i.e. if it’s a children's, young adult, or new adult novel.If you're writing non-fiction, it’s all about utility. Who will find the information in your book most useful? The exception here is memoir, in which case your readers may just be looking for entertainment. But if you’re writing a guide, an informative tell-all, or even a historical book, your target audience will be people who want to learn from you.No matter your wheelhouse, it’s extremely helpful to come up with a proto-persona for the person who’ll be buying your book. This should represent your ideal customer and is key to reaching your target audience. Coming up with a hypothetical reader makes it much easier to specifically write to them, which will make them more inclined to buy your book.The WhyAnd finally, the â€Å"why.† With the innumerable experiences and wild ideas that people have in their lives, we all have plenty of books that we could write. Indeed, as we reveal in the Reedsy podcast Bestseller, up to 81% of all people believe they have a book inside them. (Not literally - that would be a lot of stomachaches - but in the â€Å"potential writer† sort of way.)So why is this particular book the one you should write? And, just as importantly, why are you the one who should write it? What makes you qualified, and what makes you passionate about this particular subject? You need to determine a) why this book will matter to other people, and b) why you are the right person to address this topic.Your final result of answering these three "W" questions will be the essential thesis from which you work throughout this process. Once you have this prepared, you can move onto the next step: outlining.2. Outline your bookCreating an outline is one of the most important parts of writing a book - in addition to your â€Å"three Ws† thesis, your outline forms a huge part of the foundation on which you will build your book. Even if youâ€℠¢ve never worked from an outline before, or don’t think you need one (i.e. if you're a pantser, not a plotter), there’s no harm in cobbling one together. 9 Types of Editing: A Guide for Authors Read post If you don’t want to wait, or if you don’t trust your own judgment, you can get someone else to look over your manuscript with fresh eyes! Friends and family are a great resource, but consider looking for beta readers, or hiring one of those pro editors we mentioned.Don’t try to fix every issue at the same timeThese days we’re all apparently expected to multitask flawlessly, but take it from us: do not multitask your editing. If you’re doing it yourself, it’s best to break editing tasks down into a list and complete each item separately.For example, your first task might be to look for glue words and extraneous adverbs, your second task might be to break up run-on sentences, your third task might be to look for inconsistencies, and so on and so forth. Doing all these at once will surely lead to oversight - and exhaustion - so just take them on one at a time. You can go here to download a comprehensive editing checklist.7. Write the second d raftEdits all done? That means you’re ready for rewrites: the part where you actually transform your first draft into the second. It’s a magical process, even if does require a good deal of work. The following are some things to think about as you take this penultimate step of writing a book.Nail the opening hookLike reducing glue words, nailing the hook is another simple but pivotal fix you can make to your manuscript. That’s because both editors and readers are prone to quick judgements. If they positively judge your book by its cover and make it to the first page, the opening lines are the next test - and failure to pass could mean they give up on it entirely.Consider the following opening lines:â€Å"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.† - Anna Kareninaâ€Å"We are going to die, and that makes us the lucky ones.† - Unweaving The Rainbowâ€Å"It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York.† - The Bell Jarâ€Å"In the fall of 1993, a man who would upend much of what we know about habits walked into a laboratory in San Diego for a scheduled appointment.† - The Power of HabitThrough the use of strong statements or interesting anecdotes, each of these hooks creates intrigue right away. But that doesn’t mean you should go for clickbaity, flashy, second hand-car-salesman exclamations here. Rather, consider the aspects of your book that will naturally pique human interest, and lead with that.Rework those inconsistenciesInconsistencies are the plague of edits and rewrites: you have to deal with them or they’ll just get worse. So after highlighting them (or having someone else point them out) during the editing process, you need to prioritize inconsistencies in rewrites. Basic factual inconsistencies and superficial descriptive contradictions should be pretty quick to deal with. But f or deeper plot/structural problems, here are a few tactics you can try:1. Examine character dynamics. One of the most obvious indicators of inconsistent characterization is character dynamics - think of them as the canary in the coal mine. If character dynamics seem unnatural, there’s probably something else wrong†¦ probably because you haven’t made your characters well-rounded enough to sustain themselves.As a result, this is one of those fixes that will probably take some time. But if you sense something wrong with your character dynamics, don’t be afraid to take a deeper dive into overall characterization.2. Eliminate subplots. Luckily, this one's a bit less labor-intensive. Sometimes to root out confusing inconsistencies, you need to delete subplots or side stories that contradict either the main narrative, or your characters’ personalities and motivations. You may also have a subplot or secondary story that you love, but that doesn’t rea lly go anywhere. We know that cutting it out will be hard; just bite the bullet and do it.3. Explore different endings. The ending is often where spotty characterization rears its ugly head. For instance, a character who hates another character throughout the book does a 180 and falls in love with them (how many poorly plotted romances fall victim to this?). Or maybe a character who was seemingly making progress reverts to their previous, terrible self (we’ll call this the Andy Bernard phenomenon, one that any devoted fan of The Office will recognize).So don’t just leave a bad ending in place if it contradicts what would realistically happen. Again, it might be a lot of work to change, but your readers will thank you for â€Å"keeping it real† (as the kids say).Consider your conclusionSpeaking of your book’s ending, it’s important to consider not just potential inconsistencies, but the overall impact of your ending. Have you worked through all the problems you’ve posed throughout the book? Did you tie in all the themes you wanted to address, and does the ending subtly re-emphasize them? Will readers be satisfied with this point of resolution? (You may have to ask other people for their opinion on this.)Unlike rewriting your hook/intro, reworking your conclusion may involve going back throughout your book to insert other bits and pieces as well. For example, you might realize that you haven’t incorporated a certain theme enough for it to resonate in the conclusion. This means you have to retroactively work it into previous chapters. Again, don’t be afraid of the workload: embrace it as the thing that will make your book the best that it can be.8. Publish your book (if you want to!)Our heartiest congratulations to you - you’ve written a book! 👠 Your journey’s not quite over, though: now you get to decide what to do with it.Though we’ve titled this step â€Å"get it published,à ¢â‚¬  that’s not necessarily what you have to do next. Maybe you’ve written a book just to prove you that you could. But even so, it’s good to have the necessary information, in case you do eventually decide to pursue that route.Here’s a selection of our best resources on both traditional publishing and self-publishing, in the order that you’d most likely have to use them.Self-publishingIf you want to self-publish your book, but don’t know where to start:How to Self-Publish a Book (free course)All the considerations and requirements that go into self-publishing:The Essential Self-Publishing Checklist (blog post)For after you’ve self-published and you’re ready to start marketing:How to Create the Ultimate Book Marketing Plan (blog post)Traditional publishingWant to lock in a publisher before you start your non-fiction book?How to Submit a Non-Fiction Book Proposal (free course)If you’re hoping to acquire an agent who wil l represent your book:How to Write a Query Letter That Agents Can't Resist (free course)A comprehensive overview of traditional publishing:Traditional Publishing 101 (free course)Ultimately, what you do with your manuscript is up to you. But whether you keep locked in a chest (/untouched folder on your desktop) or publish it for all the world to see, just know that you’ve achieved something amazing - something you may not have believed possible just a few short months ago! So once again, well done. And if you do decide to publish, we can’t wait to see what you’ve created.  Ã°Å¸â€œâ€"Before you go, we can’t forget our last tip: once you’re finished, reach out to us with your top tips so we can add them to this post, and help other aspiring authors reach their goals. Or if you have some already, leave them in the comments below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Money and Banking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Money and Banking - Assignment Example The capital asset pricing model functions on the assumption that all the involved stocks in the investment portfolio are risk-averse. The investors who apply the model in the determination of stock portfolio are price takers. Stock price can never be predicted with certainty because of the volatility of the economic environment. Additionally, the prices of different companies are independent of each other. The economic dynamism does not favor all stock. This explains that the ‘hot’ stock tips are not valuable. During a financial crisis, there is a liquidity problem. The problem requires the acquisition of sufficient funds to resolve the crisis. The repurchase of the shares of the commercial banks is not prudent. An increase in the return on equity reflects the high performance of a bank. Good performance indicates that the senior executives are running the bank in an efficient and effective manner. The return on equity indicates the marginal return of the use of the shareholders holding in the bank. The market conditions do not favor only specific performer. The market is usually dynamic given the fact that the market players face unsystematic risks in the course of their operations. This makes different firms emerge winners in different

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Day of Nonconfirmity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Day of Nonconfirmity - Essay Example The second problem is that as I looked at my behavior, I saw several aspects where I was already a nonconformist, in a sense making me different from the others. In these areas of my life - such as the way I thought about good and bad, the right thing to do and why I do certain things - I thought differently from others my age. This is because I was trained to be somewhat independent and think on my own. So my problem was: should I continue being true to myself and behave as I am, different in these respects from the others, or should I be nonconforming by nonconforming to myself I thought hard before I realized that I could leave those nonconformist behaviors intact and continue being true to myself, because this is one of the goals of this experiment, and instead to look at those aspects of my life where I was conformist, where I flowed with the crowd for no other reason than because I found it the right thing to do. I took mental note of those points in my day and then planned what I had to otherwise do. When I woke up on the appointed day, I had a mantra: "Be true" and "Swim against the current".

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Swot Analysis and Weaknesses Essay Example for Free

Swot Analysis and Weaknesses Essay SWOT Analysis is an effective way of identifying your Strengths and Weaknesses, and of examining the Opportunities and Threats you face. How to use tool: To carry out a SWOT Analysis, write down answers to the following questions. Where appropriate, use similar questions: Strengths: * What advantages do you have? * What do you do well? * What relevant resources do you have access to? * What do other people see as your strengths? Consider this from your own point of view and from the point of view of the people you deal with. Dont be modest. Be realistic. If you are having any difficulty with this, try writing down a list of your characteristics. Some of these will hopefully be strengths! In looking at your strengths, think about them in relation to your competitors for example, if all your competitors provide high quality products, then a high quality production process is not strength in the market, it is a necessity. Weaknesses: * What could you improve? * What do you do badly? * What should you avoid? Again, consider this from an internal and external basis: Do other people seem to perceive weaknesses that you do not see? Are your competitors doing any better than you? It is best to be realistic now, and face any unpleasant truths as soon as possible. Opportunities: * Where are the good opportunities facing you? * What are the interesting trends you are aware of? Useful opportunities can come from such things as: * Changes in technology and markets on both a broad and narrow scale * Changes in government policy related to your field * Changes in social patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, etc. * Local Events A useful approach to looking at opportunities is to look at your strengths and ask yourself whether these open up any opportunities. Alternatively, look at your weaknesses and ask yourself whether you could open up opportunities by eliminating them. Threats: * What obstacles do you face? * What is your competition doing? * Are the required specifications for your job, products or services changing? * Is changing technology threatening your position? * Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems? * Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business? Carrying out this analysis will often be illuminating both in terms of pointing out what needs to be done, and in putting problems into perspective. You can also apply SWOT analysis to your competitors. This may produce some interesting insights! Example: A start-up small consultancy business might carry out the following SWOT analysis: Strengths: * We are able to respond very quickly as we have no red tape, no need for higher management approval, etc. * We are able to give really good customer care, as the current small amount of work means we have plenty of time to devote to customers * Our lead consultant has strong reputation within the market * We can change direction quickly if we find that our marketing is not working * We have little overhead, so can offer good value to customers Weaknesses: * Our company has no market presence or reputation * We have a small staff with a shallow skills base in many areas * We are vulnerable to vital staff being sick, leaving, etc. * Our cash flow will be unreliable in the early stages Opportunities: * Our business sector is expanding, with many future opportunities for success * Our local council wants to encourage local businesses with work where possible * Our competitors may be slow to adopt new technologies Threats: * Will developments in technology change this market beyond our ability to adapt? * A small change in focus of a large competitor might wipe out any market position we achieve The consultancy might therefore decide to specialize in rapid response, good value services to local businesses. Marketing would be in selected local publications, to get the greatest possible market presence for a set advertising budget. The consultancy should keep up-to-date with changes in technology where possible. Key points: SWOT analysis is a framework for analyzing your strengths and weaknesses, and the opportunities and threats you face. Â  This will help you to focus on your strengths, minimize weaknesses, and take the greatest possible advantage of opportunities available. SWOT analysis becomes a USELESS exercise if it is not extended TOWS where * the strengths are used to capitalize on opportunities and to counter threats, * the weaknesses are minimized using opportunities and both weaknesses and threats are avioided Carrying out a personal SWOT Analysis is an important step in finding life and career direction. Case Study-SWOT Analysis Wal-Mart Strengths * Wal-Mart is a powerful retail brand. It has a reputation for value for money, convenience and a wide range of products all in one store. * Wal-Mart has grown substantially over recent years, and has experienced global expansion (for example its purchase of the United Kingdom based retailer ASDA). * The company has a core competence involving its use of information technology to support its international logistics system. For example, it can see how individual products are performing country-wide, store-by-store at a glance. IT also supports Wal-Marts efficient procurement. * A focused strategy is in place for human resource management and development. People are key to Wal-Marts business and it invests time and money in training people, and retaining a developing them. Weaknesses * Wal-Mart is the Worlds largest grocery retailer and control of its empire, despite its IT advantages, could leave it weak in some areas due to the huge span of control. * Since Wal-Mart sell products across many sectors (such as clothing, food, or stationary), it may not have the flexibility of some of its more focused competitors. * The company is global, but has has a presence in relatively few countries Worldwide. Opportunities * To take over, merge with, or form strategic alliances with other global retailers, focusing on specific markets such as Europe or the Greater China Region. * The stores are currently only trade in a relatively small number of countries. Therefore there are tremendous opportunities for future business in expanding consumer markets, such as China and India. * New locations and store types offer Wal-Mart opportunities to exploit market development. They diversified from large super centers, to local and mall-based sites. * Opportunities exist for Wal-Mart to continue with its current strategy of large, super centers. Threats * Being number one means that you are the target of competition, locally and globally. * Being a global retailer means that you are exposed to political problems in the countries that you operate in. * The cost of producing many consumer products tends to have fallen because of lower manufacturing costs. Manufacturing cost has fallen due to outsourcing to low-cost regions of the World. This has lead to price competition, resulting in price deflation in some ranges. Intense price competition is a threat. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is the worlds largest retailer, with $256.3 billion in sales in the fiscal year ending Jan. 31, 2004. The company employs 1.6 million associates worldwide through more than 3,600 facilities in the United States and more than 1,570 units . . . Case Study-SWOT Analysis Starbucks Strengths * Starbucks Corporation is a very profitable organization, earning in excess of $600 million in 2004.The company generated revenue of more than $5000 million in the same year. * It is a global coffee brand built upon a reputation for fine products and services. It has almost 9000 cafes in almost 40 countries. * Starbucks was one of the Fortune Top 100 Companies to Work For in 2005. The company is a respected employer that values its workforce. * The organization has strong ethical values and an ethical mission statement as follows, Starbucks is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets of our business. Weaknesses * Starbucks has a reputation for new product development and creativity. However, they remain vulnerable to the possibility that their innovation may falter over time. * The organization has a strong presence in the United States of America with more than three quarters of their cafes located in the home market. It is often argued that they need to look for a portfolio of countries, in order to spread business risk. * The organization is dependant on a main competitive advantage, the retail of coffee. This could make them slow to diversify into other sectors should the need arise. Opportunities * Starbucks are very good at taking advantage of opportunities. * In 2004 the company created a CD-burning service in their Santa Monica (California USA) cafe with Hewlett Packard, where customers create their own music CD. * New products and services that can be retailed in their cafes, such as Fair Trade products. * The company has the opportunity to expand its global operations. New markets for coffee such as India and the Pacific Rim nations are beginning to emerge. * Co-branding with other manufacturers of food and drink, and brand franchising to manufacturers of other goods and services both have potential. Threats * Who knows if the market for coffee will grow and stay in favor with customers, or whether another type of beverage or leisure activity will replace coffee in the future? * Starbucks are exposed to rises in the cost of coffee and dairy products. * Since its conception in Pine Place Park, Seattle in 1971, Starbucks success has lead to the market entry of many competitors and copy cat brands that pose potential threats. Starbucks mission statement is Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow. Understanding TOWS Matrix Why use the tool? TOWS Analysis is an effective way of combining a) internal strengths with external opportunities and threats, and b) internal weaknesses with external opportunities and threats to develop a strategy. How to use tool: To carry out a TOWS Analysis, consider the following combinations: Strengths/Opportunities: Consider all strengths one by one listed in the SWOT Analysis with each opportunity to determine how each internal strength can help you capitalize on each external opportunity. Strength/Threats: Consider all strengths one by one listed in the SWOT Analysis with each threat to determine how each internal strength can help you avoid every external threat. Weaknesses/Opportunities: Consider all weaknesses one by one listed in the SWOT Analysis with each opportunity to determine how each internal weakness can be eliminated by using each external opportunity. Weaknesses/Threats: Consider all weaknesses one by one listed in the SWOT Analysis with each threat to determine both can be avoided. Case Study- Application of the TOWS Matrix to Volkswagen Volkswagen (VW) was chosen because it demonstrates how a successful company experienced great difficulties in the early 1970s, but then developed a strategy that resulted in an excellent market position in the late 1970s. The TOWS Matrix shown in Figure 1 will focus on the crucial period from late 1973 to early 1975. The external threats and opportunities pertain mostly to the situation VW faced in the United States, but a similar situation prevailed in Europe at that time. Weaknesses and Threats (WT) A company with great weaknesses often has to resort to a survival strategy. VW could have seriously considered the option of a joint operation with Chrysler or American Motors. Another alternative would have been to withdraw from the American market altogether. Although in difficulties VW did not have to resort to a survival strategy because the company still had much strength. Consequently, a more appropriate strategy was to attempt to overcome the weaknesses and develop them into strengths. In other words, the direction was toward the strength-opportunity position (SO) in the matrix shown as Figure 1. Specifically, the strategy was to reduce the competitive threat by developing a more flexible new product line that would accommodate the needs and desires of the car-buying public. Weaknesses and Opportunities (WO) The growing affluence of customers has resulted in trading up to more luxurious cars. Yet, VW had essentially followed a one-model policy which presented a problem when the design of the Beetle became obsolete A new model line had to be introduced to reach a wider spectrum of buyers. In order to minimize the additional costs of a multi product line, the building block principle was employed in the design of the new cars. This allowed using the same parts for different models that ranged from the relatively low-priced Rabbit to the higher priced Audi line. Another weakness at VW was the rising costs in Germany. For example, in 1973 wages and salaries rose 19 per cent over the previous year. Similarly, increased fuel costs made the shipping of cars to the United States more costly. This situation favored setting up an assembly plant in the United States. However, this also created some problems for VW because it had no experience in dealing with American organized labor. To overcome this weakness, VWs tactic was to recruit managers from Detroit who were capable of establishing good union relations. Strengths and Threats (ST) One of the greatest threats to VW was the continuing appreciation of the Deutsche Mark against the dollar. For example, from October 1972 to November 1973 the mark appreciated 35 percent. This meant higher prices for the buyer. The result, of course, was a less competitive posture. Japanese and American automakers obtained an increasingly larger share of the small-car market. To reduce the threats of competition and the effects of the unfavorable exchange rate, VW was forced to build an assembly plant in the United States. Another strategy for meeting competitive pressures was to build on VWs strengths by developing a car based on advanced-design technology. The result of this effort was the Rabbit, a model with features later adopted by many other car manufacturers. The oil crisis in 1973-1974 not only caused a fuel shortage, but also price rises, a trend that has continued. To meet this threat, VW used its technological capabilities not only to improve its engines (through the use of fuel injection, for examples), but also to develop the very fuel-efficient Diesel engine. This tactic, which was congruent with its general strategy, helped improve the firm’s market position. Strengths and Opportunities (SO) In general, successful firms build on their strengths to take advantage of opportunities. VW is no exception. Throughout this discussion VWs strengths in research, development, engineering, and its experience m production technology became evident. These strengths, under the leadership of Rudolf Leiding, enabled the company to develop a product line that met market demands for an economical car (the Rabbit, successor to the Beetle), as well as the tastes for more luxurious cars with many available options (Scirocco and the Audi line). Eventually the same companys strengths enabled VW to plan and build the assembly facility in New Stanton, Pennsylvania. Thus, YW could benefit from substantial concessions granted by the state government to attract VW which, in turn, provided many employment opportunities. In another tactical move, VW manufactured and sold small engines to Chrysler and American Motors. These companies urgently needed small engines for installation in their own cars and revenues from these sales improved the financial position of VW.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Leadership Essay -- essays research papers

A leader can be a manager, but a manager is not necessarily a leader. The leader of the work group may emerge informally as the choice of the group. If a manager is able to influence people to achieve the goals of the organization, without using his or her formal authority to do so, then the manager is demonstrating leadership (Allen, 1998). Great organizations are managed by people who have the necessary skills and attributes which allow them to connect with the organization and the people involved in the company. Managers must meet the many demands of performing their functions; managers assume multiple roles which include being a figurehead, leader, liaison, monitor, disseminator, spokesperson, entrepreneur, disturbance handler, resource allocator, and negotiator. Managers set and achieve the organizations goals by planning, organizing, controlling and leading. A manger can assume or delegate portions of authority to lead employees and achieve goals. Being a leader is not the same as managing an organization. Leader’s posses the interpersonal skills needed to influence others to achieve a goal willingly. Leading is a major part of a manager’s job. Leaders do not need to be a manager to lead people, but managers must know how to lead as well as manage. Leaders also have the ability to inspire, motivate, change attitudes and influence others to achieve goals. Managers have the ability to fire employees if they do not accomplish what needs to be done. The authority given t...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Should College Tuition Be Based on Major

Professor Johnson EC 111H 26 October 2012 The Problem with College Tuition Every year, students wishing to attend college are faced with the steep price that comes with their prospective education. For many, the belief that it will play dividends in the long run is enough reason to pay the high price. However, college majors have a wide variance of starting median salaries, which leads to the question of whether or not tuition should be based on your field of study.Students knowing they will be making less than another student after graduating should not be required to pay the same tuition. College tuition is too high. Since the demand for an education and the supply of schools are both high, cost should be low. What we see, however, are colleges taking advantages of what people see as necessary in todays society, a college degree, and raising the prices in awareness people will pay it no matter what. Keeping the same system we have today will not fix the amount people are paying.Bas ing tuition off majors can change what universities are charging for the better. However, there is the question on what majors you raise. Many argue that the higher paying jobs should receive the increase, while others say the degrees in demand should stay the same or lower, while the other not as important majors deserve the raise. While the concept of basing tuition off majors sounds simple enough, it brings about a number of problems. The first and perhaps biggest problem is that the majors with a higher tuition receive would more funding.This leads to better professors, more resources, and an overall better education. Engineering majors, for example, have the highest average starting salary according to TIME Magazine. If their tuition was increased because of the potential monetary benefit, than the university would have the obligation to focus more on that major than a social work major, who are paid the least on average. Not only could it impact the universities allocation of funds, it could also influence people’s decisions on why they are picking a certain major.In the state of Florida, for example, they are trying to change the state’s public universities change to base tuition off of your major. Their belief is to keep the costs down of the majors that are important to the state. If the state needs more social workers or engineers, then those costs would stay low, while other â€Å"unnecessary† majors tuition is increased. Also, there is again an emphasis in the programs the state needs, meaning the funds of the college are going to the degrees high in demand.If students only focus on what the state sees as important, it could cause a lack of students in other equally important majors. Some argue it is not fair to send a drama major deep into debt and leave an engineering major well of right out of school. However, if it will stimulate the economy and add more jobs, than you can argue putting an emphasis on higher demanded degree s is necessary. Since it is our own tax dollars that they are using at these public institutions, it is in our own interest to have students who will further our economy rather than be unemployed after graduation.On the other hand, The University of Nebraska-Lincoln charges on based on starting exit salary. They charge an extra fifty dollars per credit in their business and engineering programs. They believe that since the programs are more demanding, take more resources to complete, and lead to higher salary If you look at the highest paid majors, you see it dominated by engineering and business degrees. A petroleum engineering major makes on average $98,000 out of college, while an economics degree could earn you $48,500, but $94,000 in the long run.This is attractive to many students, who desire to be making high salaries. With the high salary comes hard work, and the hard work put in is worth more. Engineers, for example, require labs and experiments that cost large amounts of m oney. Doctors have to study in hospitals and take hand on classes that also consumes university budgets. On the other hand, English majors are focused more on their books, which are individually expensive, but don’t cost universities much money.Universities should be obliged to allocate funds into the degrees that benefit them the most. They should not have to put as much money into a degree that does not make them money, as colleges are a business. There is no clear-cut choice on which way this system will work most effectively. It is obvious that both systems have their pros and cons. While one system favors government interest, the other favors university interests. Either way, people will be affective both positively and negatively. The way the state of Florida is approaching this looks stronger.If students who are going to help out the economy are rewarded by lower tuition, they will be more inclined to do so. And the degrees will start to vary, because once the need for doctors is filled, a state could now realize there is a need for economists. Also, if students are aware of what degrees business are most looking for, than there will be a better chance of them being hired straight out of the completion of there degree. College tuition needs to change, and basing it on your major is a great way to start.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Damage That Has Been Done to Children of Divorce Essay

When a marriage is not working, there is a breakdown of communication, common goals, or trust, and often this ends in divorce. A divorce is a very painful process with detrimental effects on children that are involved (Wienstock 5). The general trauma of a divorce and the level of severity it has on a child are mainly due to the child’s age when a divorce takes place. The psychological effects are normally considered long term and the hardest to deal with for children involved (Persons 1). The easiest of all effects of a divorce is a child is behavior outburst normally displaying aggression and a feeling of not caring about anything or anyone anymore. The general effects of a divorce can affect everyone involved, but often the children will show the stress and emotions of a divorce more openly that an adult would. The fear of abandonment and losing one of the parents is devastating on a child (Wienstock 3). How a children perceives their homes normally sets the level of damage children are going to have to cope with through out the divorce and thereafter. If a child perceives the home as stable, they may handle a divorce well, but if a child perceives a home as freighting and scary place, they may try to avoid dealing with it at all. The trauma that a child endures will probably be worse than a child in a stable household environment. The most important issue that affects the level of perception and a level of damage is the age of a child when the parents divorce (Wienstock 3). Younger children will normally take a divorce of their parents more personally and handle it worse than an older child would. The psychological effects are more categorized as long-term effect that leave the children feeling responsible and blaming themselves for the guilt of a divorce everyone going through. Most children exercise a sense of loss during a divorce that can only be compared to as lost of a loved one (Children of Divorce 4). Feeling of rejections and loneliness normally confuses a child to the point of depression and some times suicide. The struggle as a child try’s to keep in contact with the absent parent without  offending the parent that they are still are with becomes stressful and some times damaging to a young child (Wienstock 4). The deepest of all emotions is anger, and it is the easiest to recognize in older children that are coping with a divorce (Persons). The anger is normally turned toward both parents and sibling in the household (Wienstock 4 & 5). The behavior change in a child is almost immediate after the announcement of a divorce. The behavior outburst and disruption in a child’s life are signs that a child is having a hard time dealing with the idea of parents splitting up. Academic problems with school activities and grades and physical displays of anger are the first of behavior effects to be seen in a family that is falling apart (Wienstock 5). Older children and even younger children are turning to drugs and alcohol to cope with the emotional stress of losing one of the parents in the household . Girls tend to become sexual active with older partners, as they long to find a father like figure to replace the parent that is no longer a direct part of their lives (Wienstock 5). Boys tend to have shorter relationships refusing to get close for fear of being rejected again as they might have felt when their mother left them with his father as a child during a divorce. These children are just trying to find someone th at they feel will not abandoned them as they feel their parents have done to them. The painful process that is broken into stages is navigated by a child and adults alike that have been subject to a divorce. The loss of the other parent is compared by most specialists to a death of a loved one. In therapy, the psychological effects in children are normally over looked as a child grows up and into adults themselves. These children typically are found to have poor relationships and an unbalanced social life as they struggle to find where they belong in this world. The physical effects that affect everyone are the choices that children make while thinking that they will never survive the divorce. Drugs, alcohol, and the sexual behaviors of the older children are just a few effects that a divorce can have on the children. The poor decisions of the current generation to enter in to marriage lightly at such a young age, leaves our society open for a generation of emotion basket cases of parents to raise the our future  generations..

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How to Write a College Book Report Paper

How to Write a College Book Report Paper How to Write a College Book Report Paper Book reports are defined as edifying reports that deliberate on a specific book from an objective point of view. Students have generally confused book reports with book reviews since they are not conscious of the differences that exist between the two. Book reports summarize the work while book reviews gives evaluation of works at hand. Basically, book reports give accounts of the major characters, plot, thesis, and the main concepts of the work. A book report is a short summary that ranges from 275 to 500 words. Students who are given book report assignments need to be informed of the basic information concerning the book. These include the book title, the author, the publisher and place of publication, as well as number of pages. This information is necessary since it is incorporated into the report. Before commencing on a book report, it is prudent to determine the genre of the book. Writing a fiction book report requires one to be cognizant of the main characters, the setting , and the context of action. Non-fiction book reports involve emphasizing the main ideas presented in the book. Students encounter book report writing in their college level of learning. This is challenging since professors expect work of a higher quality than on the high school level. How to write a college book report is a demanding issue for freshmen college students. For one to write a college book report effectively, one must read the specific book in question. Reading a lengthy work may seem to be a tedious affair especially if the book doesn’t interest the reader. In addition, student writers must understand every concept that is presented in the book. The first reading is usually inadequate even if the reader truly focuses on the contents of the book. Taking notes on the important points as well as page numbers of where such concepts are illustrated in the book aids one in remembering the book’s plot as well as writing an effective report. The student may also find perusing professional critiques of the book helpful in understanding the plot, characterization, and utilization of literary devices or techniques. However, it is important to narrow down one’s research so that the student reads only the critiques that interest the student the most. Academic book reports require the writer to follow the guidelines provided by the instructor. This ensures that the student writer stays within the parameters of the report project. For a non-fiction book, the student should focus on topics and issues that the student most enjoyed or found especially intriguing. On the same note, the student should offer personal insight concerning the development of the plot or characterization or the employment of literary devices. College papers are tricky to write since their basis of assessment is focused on information from the book that the student writer presents. In summary, stay focused on the purpose of the paper. It is not to provide a critique. Rather, it is to provide a synopsis of what the book contains. As with any writing assignment, developing an outline for guidance as one reads can be very helpful in determining what one wants to say. Organize ideas in a clear and coherent fashion. In addition, one should always take time to revise and to proof-read one’s paper before submitting it for a grade. College students can get professional college book report help online, at writing service. Let your book report paper written by top-rated writers.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

How to Automate Marketing Apps With CoSchedule and Zapier

How to Automate Marketing Apps With and Zapier What would you do with more time each workweek? You could: Spend more time doing actual creative work †¦ generate more profit for your business, and †¦ †¦ feel less stressed, all at the same time. Most marketers would agree this sounds But, how can you get that kind of time back, though? I’d like to say it involves using the ability to freeze time. I can’t say that, though, because that’s scientifically impossible ( for now). But, I can tell you all about the next best thing: hooking up your calendar with Zapier, using our latest integration. By using both apps together, you can connect your favorite software services, allowing you to manage and automate tasks in one place. The result? More time to get your real job done, with less copy-paste repetition and general banging-your-head-against-a-wall frustration. Best of all, Zapier is a freemium app that connects seamlessly with . Let’s take a look at exactly how easy it is to get started. Follow along, and you’ll be making magic happen with Zapier in no time. How to Automate Marketing Apps With and Zapier to Save Tons of TimeRemind Me: What Is ? If youre new around here, let me fill you in quick. is a web-based marketing calendar app that makes it easy to plan, manage, and execute marketing projects. When your marketing team has one place where they can map out timelines, collaborate on projects, and visualize clear deadlines (and a lot more), getting things done effectively and efficiently becomes much easier. In short, is your teams hub connecting the spokes of your marketing tool stack. And when its connected with Zapier, that power becomes even greater. Try Free For 14 Days: Ready to take for a spin? Start your free trial or schedule a demo and get your entire team organized on one marketing calendar now. So, What Is Zapier, Exactly? Zapier is a web app that connects other web apps. It works by setting up triggers that automate tasks between apps. For example, each time you add an event to your Google Calendar, it could create a new Marketing Project in . Heres a quick look at what it is, and how it works: Best of all, it’s compatible with an incredible number of apps. While we’re going to focus on using it to connect to your favorite services, there’s a whole lot more it can do. Why Should I Sync My Marketing Tools With and Zapier? The short answer is because you’re A) busy and B) want to accomplish more in less time. The more in-depth answer is because it makes it super easy to manage multiple tools and applications in one place. By empowering marketers to automate routine processes, you can cut mundane tasks from your schedule, and better focus your energy on work that matters. Here are a few examples of things you can do: Sync your Google Calendar and . Add projects to each time a row is filled in Google Sheets. Connect project management tools (including Basecamp, Asana, and Wrike), to your calendar. And that’s barely scratching the surface of what’s possible. If you can think it, there’s a good chance you can make it happen. Heres how busy #marketing teams can use @zapier to connect their favorite apps to @Important Terms to Know Before we get too much farther, there are a couple features and terms that would be useful to understand: Marketing Projects: These are unified folders in connecting items on your calendar together. They’re used to keep all the moving pieces of individual projects and campaigns organized. Zaps: In Zapier, the connections you create between apps are called Zaps. Theyre created by selecting Triggers and Actions, causing App A to make App B to complete a given action. When creating a Zap, its possible to select as the trigger or action. Got it? Now, let’s move on. Recommended Reading: How to Connect Your Favorite Tools With Zapier (Live Demo Recap) Getting Started: Creating a Zapier Account The first step is to create and Zapier accounts. If you’re already a customer, you’re halfway there. If not, you can always start a trial or schedule a demo with an expert. Then, create a free Zapier account by hitting up their website and entering some basic info. With a free account, you can create five Zaps (or connections between apps). If you need more power, you can upgrade to a paid account. Once you log in, youll see a search bar and a directory full of software services and apps: Then, select : For a more detailed walkthrough on connecting to Zapier, check out our helpful support documentation. Youre on your way to more marketing productivity already. Connecting @and @zapier is easy. Heres how:How Are Zaps Created? Now that you’re in, it’d be helpful to know how Zaps are created. Fortunately, this video from Zapier themselves has that covered: Then, if you want to experiment building Zaps of your own, follow our handy support doc. Next, Start Connecting Apps With Our Favorite Zaps The first thing you’ll see once you connect to Zapier is our favorite Zaps. These are some simple templates that make it easy to connect several popular services quickly. Those include: Honeybook Trello Basecamp Asana Wrike MailChimp Google Sheets That’s a solid set of apps you can quickly connect to ! To see how they all work, watch this demo recap video (or follow our step-by-step guide below): But, your selection isn’t limited to this list (Zapier is super powerful and featured extensive functionality to create your own apps). For now, we’ll start with these. + Google Sheets Google Sheets is one of the most popular requests we receive for integrations. And now, with Zapier, it’s possible! Using the Gsheets Zap with , you can automatically add Marketing Projects to when you add a row to a particular spreadsheet. Start by selecting the Zap: Next, youll see a description of the Zap: Click Create this Zap. Next, youll see the following prompt, asking you to create a Trigger: Click Continue. On the next screen, youll see detailed instructions for how to set up your Google Sheet to correctly create Marketing Projects in : Weve got our directions. So, lets set up that Google Sheet: Click Continue, and connect your Google Sheets account: Then, select a spreadsheet and worksheet: Youll then be asked to test your new Zap: Now, youll be asked to create an Action in . The first step is to click Continue on the following screen: Then, connect your account (if you havent already): Youll be asked to paste in your API key (you can find this in Settings Integrations): Next, youll need to test your Zap. Start by filling in details for a test Marketing Project: Then, click Send Test to : Congratulations! Youve now created a working Zap. Now, team members can just fill in your Google Sheet to build out Marketing Projects, which other team members can complete. Thats how Zaps get created. Each Zap listed in this post can be set up similarly by following the step-by-step on-screen prompts. Honeybook + HoneyBook is a popular business management platform for creative professionals. Now, with , you can automatically create a Marketing Project on your calendar once a project is complete in Honeybook. This makes it easy to promote your work (and bring in more clients). Heres how you can use @zapier to connect @honeybook and @+ Trello When you connect Trello (a popular kanban-style project management platform) together with , you can automatically create content on your calendar when you create a new Trello card. So, once you create a card in Trello †¦ †¦ you can create a new piece content that you’ll create on your calendar. You can also create tasks in Trello and have them appear right on your calendar. This zap works similarly, but will instead create a task on your calendar (rather than a piece of content). Now, if I were to add a card to Trello as a reminder to get something done, itll appear on the calendar, too: Heres how you can use @zapier to connect @trello and @+ Basecamp 2 and Bascamp 3 Basecamp is an all-powerful project management platform. It’s been around since 2004, and it’s trusted by tons of customers around the world. And now, it syncs with ! Whether you’re using Basecamp 2 or 3, you can turn your to-do’s in Basecamp into Tasks on your calendar. Remember the task we synced between Trello and ? With Basecamp, the process works in a similar fashion. That gives you full visibility on everything you need to get done, right in (without needing to bounce between two apps). You can also sync entire marketing projects between Basecamp and . Say you have a project manager working behind-the-scenes magic in Basecamp, but your marketers are in . Your PM could create a project in Basecamp. Then, your marketing team will have all the moving pieces in place, so they start getting the work done. Heres how you can use @zapier to connect @basecamp and @+ Asana Similarly, if you’re using Asana for project management, you can sync it with your calendar. Using this Zap, any time you create a project in Asana (click the + sign and select Project): Fill in your project details: And itll create a matching Marketing Project in : Marketers and project managers, living in perfect harmony? Stranger things have happened. Heres how you can use @zapier to connect @asana and @+ Google Calendar If you’re using to keep your entire marketing team organized, it’d probably be useful to see all your meetings alongside your other work and projects. And where do those meetings typically live? On a Google Calendar. So, why not bring the two together? By using this zap, you can create a meeting on Google Calendar: And see it appear on your calendar: This is super helpful if meetings are sometimes initiated by teams outside marketing that aren’t in your calendar, but run everything through the Gsuite. Heres how you can use @zapier to connect @googlecalendar and @+ Wrike Wrike is a widely-used freemium project management platform used by all kinds of teams. Now, you can connect it to and stay on top of tasks better than ever. Using this zap, creating a task in Wrike automatically creates a task in . For example, if your project management team is in Wrike, and your marketing team is in , you can keep everyone on the same page with a single version of truth. Heres how you can use @zapier to connect @wrike and @+ MailChimp MailChimp is one of the worlds most popular email marketing service providers. With their well-structured freemium model and smart balance between power and usability, there are lots of good reasons for that, too. We’ll have some cool email functionality coming to (that we can’t quite talk about yet in detail). But, if you want your calendar to get to know MailChimp, you can do that with this zap. Now, when you schedule an email in MailChimp, itll appear as a piece of content on our calendar. This makes it easy to see when emails are being sent, alongside all your other content and projects.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Are we prepared Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Are we prepared - Essay Example r management programs that meet the requirements of state license bodies and the JCAHO, the main issues of concern are whether the plans fully address the requirements of the community and those of the health facility (Aguirre, &Quarantelli, 2008). In Merrillville, Indiana, where I work, there is the white code plan for disaster management. As a midnight nurse, I encounter a lot of challenges at work especially during winter where the weather gets at its worst with winter floods. Sometimes I am mandated to work during the day while waiting for relieve. Despite the plan being function on some occasions and meeting the licensing requirements, there are still loopholes and areas that need to be addressed in order to enable the plan meet the needs of the stakeholders in the facility. First, a disaster planning committee has to be established to supervise the execution of the plan. The committee should have representatives from the various departments of the facility as well as specialists in disaster management (Uscher-Pines, 2009). There is also need to acquire the latest tools and equipment to accompany the disaster plan. Finally, the plan needs to be amended to include a disaster recovery